Musical Exercises
On this page you will find select musical exercises with individual Rays that have never been available before. These exercises are generally over twenty minutes in duration and have extended musical interludes. This original music was composed and performed by Richard Shulman and is not available anywhere else.

The Fourth Ray Musical Exercise
We refer to the Fourth Ray as the Ray of Harmony Through Conflict and you can visualize it as vibrant green in color. Conflict is very hard to avoid in this relative environment. When we experience conflict we can use it to create harmony through the process of synthesis.

The Seventh Ray Musical Exercise
We refer to the Seventh Ray as the Gateway Into Awareness. There are two distinct benefits from using the Seventh Ray. The first is a feeling of releasing stored emotions in the body that are energetically disruptive. The second benefit is the raising of your personal energetic level and as you raise up your energetic level, you gain access to higher levels of perspective and understanding. This second benefit is why we refer to this Ray as the Gateway into Awareness.

The Ninth Ray Musical Exercise
We refer to the Ninth Ray as the Bridge to the Body of Light. Think of the Body of Light as that part of your soul that you embrace when you leave this physical existence. We use this Ninth Ray to establish contact with that portion of our soul. Once we have established contact with the Body of Light, then we are ready to work with the Tenth Ray, the Body of Light, and begin to anchor it into our physical body.

The Tenth Ray Musical Exercise
When you work with the Tenth Ray, you are integrating the Body of Light at a cellular level and you are expanding and you are lifting yourself, your physical self, your emotional self, and your mental self to higher understanding, higher wisdom, higher abilities based on your openness to accept who and what you are.