The Twelve Rays are not visible to the human eye. We need to use our imagination to work with them and visualize them. I asked an artist friend of mine, Melinda Roseman, to create artwork for the Twelve Rays. Those beautiful works of art are available on my Twelve Rays website. As and added bonus, I have combine each picture with the music of the Rays that was created by Richard Shulman and is available on his 2CD set, A New Awareness. There is a video for each work of art and each musical track.

This video is the Third Ray, the Ray of Active Intelligence. We use this Ray to get things done. This Ray is the third Ray in the group of Rays that are referred to as the Rays of Aspect. These first, three Rays are all aspects of the Creator and as such they are part of our Divine Inheritance since we are the Creator’s creations. All of us have the blessings of these first, three Rays. The next four Rays are all sub-Rays of this Ray.
Click on the video player below and watch and listen to this unique representation of each Ray.
You can learn more about this Ray or any of the other Rays by reading the blogs on my website. You can also get a complete overview of all Twelve Rays from my book, “The Reality of Your Greatness – A Personal Journey through the Twelve Rays”. In this book I share with you my personal experience with our “Team” as they led us through each individual Ray. The book is available on Amazon in several formats.
Click the button here to learn more about the book.
