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Musical Exercises Continued

These Extended Exercises Are Truly Inspiring 

3rdrayguidedRichard Shulman
00:00 / 23:51

The Third Ray

Welcome to the Third Ray guided exercise with music infused with the energy of the Third Ray.  We refer to the Third Ray as the Ray of Active Intelligence and you can visualize it as golden yellow in color. It is used to get the job done. It is a Ray of organization. I like to refer to it as the “Get ‘er done” Ray.


Before you begin to work with the energy of the Third Ray, I strongly suggest that you create a concrete goal that you wish to achieve and hold that goal firmly in your mind. As you bring in the Third Ray, you will begin to receive insights that will help you to create a plan of action that will allow you to achieve your desired goal. Just hold the goal clearly in your mind and allow the insights to come in. It is very important to not have a preconceived notion of what the action steps are to achieve your goal. Be open to all suggestions that come to you.


I suggest that you work with each one of these guided exercises more than once. You will likely have a different experience each time you work with any of these exercises.


 When you are ready, sit back and relax and click on the audio player below the picture to start the guided exercise.

The Fourth Ray

Welcome to the Fourth Ray guided exercise with music infused with the energy of the Fourth Ray.  We refer to the Fourth Ray as the Ray of Harmony Through Conflict and you can visualize it as vibrant green in color.  


How do we create harmony though conflict? To begin with it is necessary to discuss the concept of duality. It is often said that we live in a reality of duality. What does that mean? It means that we have opposites of the same thing like, hot and cold, light and dark, male and female, and so on. In order to really understand hot, we must experience cold. And that is where the conflict arises. Cold has the effect of negating the hot. But after we have experienced both extremes we can arrive at a synthesis and in this case it would be the understanding of the underlying principle which we call temperature.


We are told that artists and musicians have a lot of this energy. Why would that be. Aren’t they trying to express something, a concept or an idea that is within themselves? Sometimes it is quite a struggle to express in a picture, or a sculpture, or in a piece of music exactly what they are trying to convey. So they may struggle in creating that perfect expression of their thought.


This also works with many other aspects of our daily experience. Take emotions for example. We find duality everywhere when it comes to emotions. Use this Ray then to focus on the resolution of conflict in your life. Pick anything that you may be particularly having trouble with and look for the balancing understanding that leads to harmony.


I suggest that you work with this guided exercise more than once. You will likely have a different experience each time you work with any of these exercises.


 When you are ready, sit back and relax and click on the audio player below the picture to start the guided exercise.

04-Mike Love-Art.jpg
4thrayguidedRichard Shulman
00:00 / 28:50

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